Tuesday, June 15, 2010

good looking couples

I was on facebook, just browsing, and I came across a picture of my friend and her boyfriend. the first thing I commented was "you guys are a goodlooking couple." I realized I haven't thought that ... in awhile. There both pretty people and they compliment each other so well. What makes a good-looking couple? to me, you either have to be so strange that it works or just look plain & simple.. nice. i.e style & skin-color compliments each other. There so many couples out there that my thought is "huh, the fuuuuuck?" but who knows .. beautys in the eye of the beholder, they say. I'm not one to judge couples, I'll do it in my mind but not out loud. Love is love right? yeah sure...

The Bad:

Sophie Dahl & Jamie Cullum: they seem like two nice people but .. um?

Flavor Flav & Bridgett Nelson: they were a mess. inside and out.

Tom Cruise & Cher: now this a "the fuuucckk?" moment. I'm confused.

The Good:

Jada Pinket-Smith & Will Smith: well they speak for themselves. everything about them seems to fit. at least, in the public's eye. i love them, the end.

Katy Perry & Travis Mcoy: there the couple that is different but looks uttlery perfect together. different yet so similar.

Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears: this is the epitome of complimenting each other, in my opinion. They were the cutest teeny-boppers.

As you can see, there's a huge difference between a goodlooking couple & ... the other. Most of them aren't together anymore but that's just an example. Either way being a good-looking couple doesn't mean anything, if it's not meant to be then who cares (R.I.P Britney & Justin). But for the public, it's nice to see a goodlooking couple once in awhile.. gives me hope.

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